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Documentation for our bot's commands

Adventurer's Log

Look up a player's Adventurer's Log

!alog accesses a player's Adventurer's Log from and shows you the player's most recent events. Note that only paying members have an Adventurer's Log.


!alog <username>

Example of use:

<Vulcan> !alog dead vulcan
-RuneScript- *** [ A. LOG ]: Recent Activity for Dead Vulcan: I killed a boss monster in Daemonheim [28/07/2010] Levelled up Fletching (89) [21/07/2010] 1800 Total levels gained [21/07/2010] Levelled up Dungeoneering (60) [21/07/2010] I killed 2 boss monsters in Daemonheim [21/07/2010]
-RuneScript- *** [ URL ]:

This command's settings may be changed with !set alog.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133