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Help Docs

Documentation for our bot's commands


Get help with commands

The !help command will give you help on a specific command and will link you to its help doc.


!help [command]

Example of use:

<Cowman_133> !help
-RuneScript- *** [ HELP ]: RuneScript's inline help documentation can be viewed with !help . The !help command also links the the online command documentation and tells you the !set status of the command if used in a channel. Additional help can be found at
<Cowman_133> !help calc
-RuneScript- The calculator does basic calculations so you don't have to! Supports m and k suffixes (ie. 100k, 3.3m). Also has L(##) to reference the experience of a RuneScape level. You can reference the previous answer from the calculator with "x" or "ans" within 30 minutes of your last answer.
-RuneScript- Full command documentation: - This command is set to its default behaviour for this channel.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133