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Barrows repair

Look up costs to repair your own Barrows armour

The construction skill in RuneScape has made cheaper Barrows repairs possible. You can make an armor stand in your house's workshop, and repair your armor for a smaller sum, depending on your smithing level.


!repair <username|#smithing level -HBWL>

Example of use:

RuneScript will then tell you how many gold coins you must have to repair your fully broken set of Barrows armour, given your smithing level.

<Cowman_133> !repair
<RuneScript> *** [ REPAIR ]: In-house repair cost for Barrows with 69 smithing: 216,150gp
<Cowman_133> !repair #99
<RuneScript> *** [ REPAIR ]: In-house repair cost for Barrows with 99 smithing: 166,650gp
<Cynthia> !repair MysticTiger
<RuneScript> *** [ REPAIR ]: In-house repair cost for Barrows with 85 smithing: 189,750gp

The -HWBL tags are used to specify type of barrows piece that you are repairing. H stands for Head, W stands for Weapon, B stands for Body, and L stands for Legs. These are the pieces of a barrows set.

<Emo> !repair -B
-RuneScript- *** [ REPAIR ]: In-house repair cost for barrows (Body) with 69 smithing: 58,950gp

This command's settings may be changed with !set repair.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133