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Documentation for our bot's commands

Soul Wars

Calculate rewards for your zeal

The !soul command displays the amount of experience you can earn with a certain number of zeal at your level when claiming experience rewards at the Soul Wars activity.


!soul [level] <skill> <points>

Note: You may omit the level if you have a defname set.

Example of use:

<Matthew> !soul 83 attack 20
-RuneScript- *** [ SOUL WARS ]: Level 83, 20 points = 115,500 Attack exp (5775 exp/point)
<Matthew> !soul attack
-RuneScript- *** [ SOUL WARS ]: You need 15 zeal points (3,675 xp per point) for 70 Attack.

This command's settings may be changed with !set soul.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133