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Documentation for our bot's commands

Combat Estimate

Plan your next combat level

!cmb-est is like !cmb, but used to estimate the combat level of a set of stats. This is useful if you have goal levels you are aiming to achieve, and want to look up what combat level you'll be when you finish.


!cmb-est <attack> <strength> <defence> <hits> <ranged> <prayer> <magic> <summoning>

Example of use:

<AaronIsFab> !cmb-est 86 86 88 90 80 99 94 40
<RuneScript> Level 117.65 (F2P 112.65) [Melee] ASDHRPMU: 86 86 88 90 80 99 94 40
<RuneScript> Next level in: Att/str: 2 (2) Def/Hp: 2 (2) Summoning: 3 (0)

Note: Once again, this formula is not 100% accurate, like the !cmb command.

This command's settings may be changed with !set cmb-est.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133