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Help Docs

Documentation for our bot's commands

Bot News

Read up on the recent bot updates

Use the !botnews command to view a list of the three most recent RuneScript news and updates. The news is a direct feed from our editing system.



Example of use:

<Cowman_133> !botnews
-RuneScript- *** [ BOT NEWS ]: April 9th (Rev 381) by Cynthia: $%hasautocmb does not work in mIRC scripting...
-RuneScript- *** [ BOT NEWS ]: April 8th (Rev 379) by Vulcan: fix the links the alog script uses. instead of using +'s in the rsn to replace spaces. using underscores now.
-RuneScript- *** [ BOT NEWS ]: April 8th (Rev 377) by micksam7: Committing last month's changes to base runescript install. Updated base hash tables.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133