Join RuneScript's Chat Server!
Web Chat
RuneScript's IRC offers four separate web clients accessible through the form on the right. For your convenience, each client's respective advantages and pitfalls are outlined below.
- PjIRC - Java applet client hosted by rscript.org. Requires a Java plug-in.
- Mibbit - AJAX client hosted by mibbit.com
- Mibbit [SSL] - AJAX client hosted by mibbit.com, connects through SSL.
- QWebIRC: AJAX client hosted by rscript.org, using secure HTTP. (OFFLINE)
mIRC Instructions
/server irc.rscript.org -j #Channel(s)
After entering this command you should connect to the server and join the room(s). Alternatively, you
may open your client directly. If you have any problems please select
one of our inline web applications, and join #Help.