Help Docs
Documentation for our bot's commands
Welcome to RuneScript's command documentation center. RuneScript is constantly expanding and coming out with new features. Each command is fully documented with all possible command syntax variations and detailed examples of the command in action. Each page also contains a brief overview of the command and information on how to change its settings. Remember you can also access quick help directly from the bot by using the !help command.
Lists of the exp values and levels currently used by RuneScript are available on the skills page. These are completely free to use, but they may contain the occasional error. If you stumble upon one please do not hesistate to report it.
Recent Documentation Edits
- • !07clan - Look up a user's clan on RSClanBase
- • !clan - Look up a user's clan in the Official RuneScape Clan Database
- • !clanrank - Explore skill ranks within clans
- • !cmb - Calculate your combat level based on your combat-based skills
- • !compareml - Compare one clan's stats with another clan's
Featured Article: 24 Hour
A 24 hour timer
The !24hour command is aimed at users who want to keep track of how long they must wait before they can buy or receive items from the Charter. Such items include seaweed, Battlestaves, and sand.
RuneScript sets a 24 hour timer and will notice you when your time is up and you can visit these places again to collect your items. If you are not online when the timer is up, RuneScript will send an offline message or use Memoserv on supported IRC networks to notify you of the timer's expiration.
Syntax: !24hour [set] [clear]
Example of usage:
-RuneScript- *** [ 24 HOUR ]: Your 24 hour timer has been set.
-RuneScript- *** [ 24 HOUR ]: Your 24 hour clock ends in 23 hours, 58 minutes.
The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133