Help Docs
Documentation for our bot's commands
Find each world's specific activity
Do you ever get tired of constantly having to look up what worlds host specific activities? !activity will help solve that inconvenience! The !activity command shows you which world the activity is hosted on, as well as which worlds are free-to-play and pay-to-play.
!activity <activity>
Example of use:
<Chey> !activity pvp
<RuneScript> *** [ ACTIVITY ]: Type: PvP | F2P: 21 32 80 109 123 167 | P2P: 26 65 159 122
<RuneScript> *** [ ACTIVITY ]: Type: PvP | F2P: 21 32 80 109 123 167 | P2P: 26 65 159 122
Also included with this command, is the alias !ls. !ls can be used instead of !activity lootshare.
<Chey> !ls
<RuneScript> *** [ ACTIVITY ]: Type: Lootshare | F2P: 7 10 11 14 29 30 33 34 35 37 40 41 43 47 75 85 93 94 95 106 108 113 118 120 126 127 134 142 153 154 155 169 | P2P: 9 12 22 28 39 44 46 48 51 54 56 59 64 76 84 88 91 92 97 98 112 114 117 131 145 151 157 158 139 140
<RuneScript> *** [ ACTIVITY ]: Type: Lootshare | F2P: 7 10 11 14 29 30 33 34 35 37 40 41 43 47 75 85 93 94 95 106 108 113 118 120 126 127 134 142 153 154 155 169 | P2P: 9 12 22 28 39 44 46 48 51 54 56 59 64 76 84 88 91 92 97 98 112 114 117 131 145 151 157 158 139 140
This command's settings may be changed with !set activity.
The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133