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World of Warcraft Armory
Look up World of Warcraft statistics
The !armory command is the first command created for World of Warcraft players. It uses the armory database to retrieve character's stats. This command is very much like RuneScape commands.
Note: If there is no one on the specified realm found with the specified name, RuneScript will let you know, and then go ahead and perform a global search for other characters with the same name.
You can set your default WoW name, very much like the !defname command, by entering the following:
!wow realm <name> - This will set a default realm to look for characters on.
!wow name <name> - This will set a default character name to look for.
!wow loc <us|eu> - This will set your default location to either US or EU.
Note: If you have a default realm set, !armory will always search on that realm unless you specifically specify a @realm, or use @all to do a global search.
Example of use:
-RuneScript- *** [ WHOOPSIMDEAD ]: 83 Undead Priest (Discipline 36/0/0) (Shadow 0/0/38) | Guild: Take Your Revenge | Realm: Nordrassil | Armory:
-RuneScript- *** [ WHOOPSIMDEAD ]: H: 61,242 M: 40,398 | Alch: 325 Skin: 525 | HKs: 357 | Resil: 0 | Achievs: 1,630 | Item Level: 293 (Equip: 292)
-RuneScript- *** [ PRIEST ]: Intellect: 2,009 | Spirit: 1,102 | Stamina: 3,277 | Spell Power: 3,074 (14.22%) | Haste: 320 (4.31%) | Hit: 906 (15.25%) | Regen: 527 (NC: 1353) | Mastery: 11.59
-RuneScript- *** [ WHOOPSIMDEAD ]: 83 Undead Priest (Discipline 36/0/0) (Shadow 0/0/38) | Guild: Take Your Revenge | Realm: Nordrassil | Armory:
-RuneScript- *** [ WHOOPSIMDEAD ]: H: 61,242 M: 40,398 | Alch: 325 Skin: 525 | HKs: 357 | Resil: 0 | Achievs: 1,630 | Item Level: 293 (Equip: 292)
-RuneScript- *** [ PRIEST ]: Intellect: 2,009 | Spirit: 1,102 | Stamina: 3,277 | Spell Power: 3,074 (14.22%) | Haste: 320 (4.31%) | Hit: 906 (15.25%) | Regen: 527 (NC: 1353) | Mastery: 11.59
-RuneScript- *** [ HHIPPIES ]: 84 Tauren Warrior (Protection 5/2/33) (Fury 7/33/0) | Guild: Knights of the Forsaken | Realm: Bladefist | Armory:
-RuneScript- *** [ HHIPPIES ]: H: 80,405 R: 100 | BS: 470 Mine: 506 | HKs: 10,091 | Resil: 0 | Achievs: 4,410 | Item Level: 312 (Equip: 302)
-RuneScript- *** [ WARRIOR ]: Strength: 1,873 | Stamina: 3,646 | Armor: 16,596 (49.25%) | Melee Damage: 2,151-2,681 (16.95%) | Hit: 806 (8.81%) | Haste: 442 | Dodge: 5.48% | Expertise: 10 | Mastery: 14.17
-RuneScript- *** [ PADME ]: 85 Blood Elf Paladin (Protection 0/33/8) (Retribution 7/2/32) | Guild: Causality Loop | Realm: Shattered Halls | Armory:
-RuneScript- *** [ PADME ]: H: 127,753 M: 24,777 | Alch: 525 Herb: 525 | HKs: 1,105 | Resil: 0 | Achievs: 3,685 | Item Level: 329 (Equip: 331)
-RuneScript- *** [ PALADIN ]: Strength: 2,670 | Stamina: 6,052 | Intellect: 109 | Attack Power: 5,575 | Melee Damage: 1,780-2,420 (2.41%) | Hit: 652 (5.43%) | Expertise: 8 | Haste: 155 (1.21%) | Mastery: 14.09
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