Help Docs
Documentation for our bot's commands
Fun & Games
Play a few games!
RuneScript has several built-in games: !8ball, !coin, !die
!8ball <question>
!coin <nickname>
!die <sides>
!coin <nickname>
!die <sides>
Example of use:
RuneScript will answer any question for you with its virtual 8ball!
!8ball <question>
<Cowman_133> !8ball Is Cruiser made of fail?
-RuneScript- *** [ 8 BALL ]:The magic 8 ball says in response to "Is Cruiser made of fail?": Yes!
-RuneScript- *** [ 8 BALL ]:The magic 8 ball says in response to "Is Cruiser made of fail?": Yes!
This command's settings may be changed with !set 8ball.
Flipping coins to make decisions is always fun. Why not use a trusty bot to flip your virtual coin?
!coin <nickname>
<Cruiser> !coin spling
-RuneScript- You're heads, Cruiser. spling is tails.
* RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's heads.
-RuneScript- You're heads, Cruiser. spling is tails.
* RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's heads.
You can also substitute a user with RuneScript.
This command's settings may be changed with !set coin.
Feeling like your luck is in?
!die <sides>
<AaronIsFab> !die 6
-RuneScript- *** [ DIE ]: AaronIsFab, I rolled a 4 on your 6-sided die.
-RuneScript- *** [ DIE ]: AaronIsFab, I rolled a 4 on your 6-sided die.
By default, RuneScript will roll a 6-sided die. To set a default die use !defdie <# of sides>.
This command's settings may be changed with !set die.
The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133