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Dungeoneering Potions

Information of each potion found within Daemonheim

The !dgpotion command will either list potions which boost the skill you have specified or tell you which skill(s) the potion you specified boosts. It will also tell you what you need to make each potion you look up. This command will only look up potions that exist within the Dungeoneering skill area (Daemonheim).


!dgpotion [<potency>] <skill|potion type>
!dgpot <skill|potion>

There are 3 potencies for potion types in Daemonheim, namely weak, "normal" (no qualifier) and strong. You may specify a potency or leave it out; in that case, a summary of all potencies will be displayed.

Additionally, if you have a default RuneScape name set, RuneScript will show you the level you will be boosted to, or the number of points of Prayer or Summoning that will be restored, when drinking a potion boosting a certain skill. If you specify a potion type (naturalist, survivalist etc.) instead of a single skill, the level or points will be shown for each skill the potion boosts.

Example of use:

<Cynthia> !dgpotion farm
-RuneScript- *** [ POTION ]: Item: Naturalist's potion | Secondary: Misshapen claw | Effect: Boosts Cooking, Farming, Herblore and Runecrafting | Weak (Lvl: 30, XP: 72): Sagewort, 3 + 2% [69] | Normal (Lvl: 63, XP: 139.5): Wormwood leaf, 4 + 4% [71] | Strong (Lvl: 96, XP: 279): Winter's grip, 6 + 6% [74]
<Cynthia> !dgpotion strong farm
-RuneScript- *** [ POTION ]: Item: Strong naturalist's potion | Level: 96 | Requires: Winter's grip, Misshapen claw | Exp: 279 | Effect: Boosts Cooking, Farming, Herblore and Runecrafting by 6 + 6% [74]
<Cynthia> !dgpotion survivalist
-RuneScript- *** [ POTION ]: Item: Survivalist's potion | Secondary: Firebreath whiskey | Effect: Boosts Agility, Thieving, Hunter and Slayer | Weak (Lvl: 33, XP: 75): Valerian, 3 + 2% [71, 70, 64, 60] | Normal (Lvl: 66, XP: 147): Magebane, 4 + 4% [73, 72, 66, 62] | Strong (Lvl: 99, XP: 315.5): Lycopus, 6 + 6% [60, 63, 52, 70]
<Cynthia> !dgpotion strong survivalist
-RuneScript- *** [ POTION ]: Item: Strong survivalist's potion | Level: 99 | Requires: Lycopus, Firebreath whiskey | Exp: 315.5 | Effect: Boosts Agility, Thieving, Hunter and Slayer by 6 + 6% [77, 75, 69, 65]

This command's settings may be changed with !set dgpotion.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133