Help Docs
Documentation for our bot's commands
Congratulatory messages at no cost
The !gratz command is for displaying whatever level you just got to the channel.
!level <skill> (level)
!gratz <skill> (level)
!grats <skill> (level)
!gratz <skill> (level)
!grats <skill> (level)
Example of use:
<Cowman_133> !level crafting
* RuneScript :D-< ¤.¡*°*¡.¤ Woo! Congrats on your crafting level Cowman_133!! ¤.¡*°*¡.¤ :D/-<
* RuneScript :D-< ¤.¡*°*¡.¤ Woo! Congrats on your crafting level Cowman_133!! ¤.¡*°*¡.¤ :D/-<
<Cowman_133> !level crafting 69
* RuneScript :D-< ¤.¡*°*¡.¤ Woo! Congrats on your crafting level 69 Cowman_133!! ¤.¡*°*¡.¤ :D/-<
* RuneScript :D-< ¤.¡*°*¡.¤ Woo! Congrats on your crafting level 69 Cowman_133!! ¤.¡*°*¡.¤ :D/-<
This command's settings may be changed with !set grats.
The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133