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Documentation for our bot's commands

Custom Colors

Personalize RuneScript output

The !mycolor command is used to change the color of text that is highlighted in lines sent to you.


!mycolor <color1> [color2]

Example of use:

<Aaron> !mycolor 9
-RuneScript- *** [ MYCOLOR ]: Your custom color settings have been updated.
<Aaron> !mycolor 4,12
-RuneScript- *** [ MYCOLOR ]: Your custom color settings have been updated.

You can also use !mycolor none for no colors when sending messages to you, or !mycolor clear to go back to the default color of 7 (orange).

Below is a list of the standard mIRC color codes.

0 - White
1 - Black
2 - Blue
3 - Green
4 - Light Red
5 - Brown
6 - Purple
7 - Orange
8 - Yellow
9 - Light Green
10 - Dark Cyan
11 - Cyan
12 - Light Blue
13 - Pink
14 - Grey
15 - Light Grey

This command's settings may be changed with !set mycolor.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133