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Documentation for our bot's commands

Pest Control World

Designate a Pest Control World

Tired of running around confused in the dark looking for a good pest control world? Get a group of friends together and use this command to keep track. This command is great for clans, PC groups, and people with too much time! You can also configure your users' access so that certain channel levels can set a Pest Control world, and so that certain levels are only able to retrieve it.


!pcw set <1-171|unset>
!pcw useraccess <OP|HOP|Voice|All>
!pcw setaccess <OP|HOP|Voice|All>

Example of use:

Retrieving a Pest Control world

Using this command will notice you or message the channel what the current Pest Control world is and who set it.

<aaron1120> !pcw
-RuneScript- *** [ PCW ]: PC World is currently set to 99 by aaron1120!*aaron1120@*

Setting a Pest Control world

Use this command to set the Pest Control world. Simply pick an appropriate world. If you wish to remove a world without resetting a new one, use 'unset' in the place of a world.

<aaron1120> !pcw set 99
-RuneScript- *** [ PCW ]: PC World has been set to 99 by aaron1120!*aaron1120@*

Setting users' retrieve access

Use this command to set the access level to be able to see the Pest Control world using the !pcw command.

<aaron1120> !pcw useraccess voice
-RuneScript- *** [ PCW ]: The access to view !pcw for #stats has been changed to: VOICE

Setting users' set access

Use this command to change the level required in a channel to change the Pest Control world.

<aaron1120> !pcw setaccess op
-RuneScript- *** [ PCW ]: The access to use !pcw set for #stats has been changed to: OP

This command's settings may be changed with !set pestworld.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133