Help Docs
Documentation for our bot's commands
Quest XP
Find which quests reward skill experience
This command lists all the quests that reward experience in the selected skill.
!questxp <skill>
Example of use:
<Cowman_133> !questxp prayer
-RuneScript- *** [ QUESTXP ]: Swept Away: 100-9900xp Myths of the White Lands: 500xp Meeting History: 500-2500xp Restless Ghost: 1125xp Priest In Peril: 1406.2xp Ghosts Ahoy: 2400xp Rag and Bone man (wishlist): 5000xp Recipe for Disaster: 20000xp While Guthix Sleeps: 100000 - 400000xp
-RuneScript- *** [ QUESTXP ]: Swept Away: 100-9900xp Myths of the White Lands: 500xp Meeting History: 500-2500xp Restless Ghost: 1125xp Priest In Peril: 1406.2xp Ghosts Ahoy: 2400xp Rag and Bone man (wishlist): 5000xp Recipe for Disaster: 20000xp While Guthix Sleeps: 100000 - 400000xp
This command's settings may be changed with !set questxp.
The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133