Help Docs
Documentation for our bot's commands
Lists a user's top tracker records in each skill or overall
Use !records to find a user's top tracker record in any skill or overall for a day, a week, or a month.
!records <skill> [user]
!records <skill> [user] @1 day
!records <skill> [user] @1 week
!records <skill> [user] @1 month
!records <skill> [user] @1 day
!records <skill> [user] @1 week
!records <skill> [user] @1 month
Note: If you simply type !records without a skill, it will automatically display the user's overall tracker records.
Example of use:
<Cowman_133> !records
-RuneScript- *** [ RECORDS ]: [Cowman 133] Day: 1,454,548xp (Jul 23/13) | Week: 5,900,711xp (Jul 21/13-Jul 28/13) | Month: 8,205,340xp (Jul 10/13-Aug 10/13)
-RuneScript- *** [ URL ]:,0
-RuneScript- *** [ RECORDS ]: [Cowman 133] Day: 1,454,548xp (Jul 23/13) | Week: 5,900,711xp (Jul 21/13-Jul 28/13) | Month: 8,205,340xp (Jul 10/13-Aug 10/13)
-RuneScript- *** [ URL ]:,0
<Cowman_133> !records divination
-RuneScript- *** [ RECORDS ]: [Cowman 133] Day: 86,780xp (Oct 16/13) | Week: 134,722xp (Oct 9/13-Oct 16/13)
-RuneScript- *** [ URL ]:,26
-RuneScript- *** [ RECORDS ]: [Cowman 133] Day: 86,780xp (Oct 16/13) | Week: 134,722xp (Oct 9/13-Oct 16/13)
-RuneScript- *** [ URL ]:,26
This command's settings may be changed with !set records.
The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133