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Documentation for our bot's commands

Rune Spawn

RuneScript will tell you when your rune nodes respawn

The !runespawn command takes the number of players on a server as input and tells you based on the respawn time formula how long it will take rune nodes to respawn after they have been mined. Rune respawns in 25 minutes on empty worlds, and 12.5 minutes on full worlds. In the wilderness, rune respawns in 17 minutes empty to 8.5 minutes full. Please keep in mind the time is approximate.

There is also a built in feature to have RuneScript send you a message after the time has elapsed. This command will also message you a warning 60 seconds before the rune respawn timer expires. To prevent abuse, you may not set reminders within 45 seconds of each other.


!runespawn <number of players on world> (@wilderness)
!runespawn <number of players on world> (@wildy)
!runespawn <number of players on world> (@wild)

Example of use:

<Cowman_133> !runespawn 850
-RuneScript- *** [ RUNESPAWN ]: Runite with 850 players should respawn in approx. 19mins 41secs. Type !remind if you want to be notified when this time elapses.
<Cowman_133> !remind
-RuneScript- *** [ RUNE TIMER ]: A PM and notice will be sent in about 19mins 41secs. Note: This feature does not track nick changes and will not function if this client goes offline. The message will be sent to Cowman_133.
<Cowman_133> !runespawn 850 @wildy
-RuneScript- *** [ RUNESPAWN ]: Runite in the Wilderness with 850 players should respawn in approx. 13mins 24secs. Type !remind if you want to be notified when this time elapses.

This command's settings may be changed with !set runespawn.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133