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Documentation for our bot's commands

Top 10

Lists the top 10 players in each skill

Use !top10 to find out which players are currently topping a selected skill or overall, and their respective experience points for the skill or overall.


!top10 <skill>

Note: If you simply type !top10 without a skill, it will automatically display the overall top ten.

Example of use:

<aaron1120> !top10 hunter
-RuneScript- *** [ TOP10 ]: "Hunter" #1: Momeydragon (99) #2: Tumppi (99) #3: Skiller_703 (99) #4: Dakini (99) #5: Drumgun (99)
-RuneScript- *** [ TOP10 ]: #6: K_o_R_c_A_t (99) #7: Ov_I (99) #8: Big_Boooty (99) #9: Xuxasman (99) #10: Puppies (99)

This command's settings may be changed with !set top10.

The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133