Help Docs
Documentation for our bot's commands
Pest Control
Calculate Pest Control reward points
The !pc command is a calculator that calculates the amount of Pest Control points required for a level. This command also calculates in the 1% bonus for 10 point exchanges and the 10% bonus for 100 point exchanges.
!pc <skill> [#lvl]
Example of use:
<Cowman_133> !pc defence
-RuneScript- *** [ COWMAN 133 ]: 85 single points, 9 sets of 10 (90 points), or 1 set of 100 points (100 points) needed for level 70 Defence.
<Cowman_133> !pc defence #80
-RuneScript- *** [ COWMAN 133 ]: 5186 single points, 514 sets of 10 (5140 points), or 48 sets of 100 points (4800 points) needed for level 80 Defence.
-RuneScript- *** [ COWMAN 133 ]: 85 single points, 9 sets of 10 (90 points), or 1 set of 100 points (100 points) needed for level 70 Defence.
<Cowman_133> !pc defence #80
-RuneScript- *** [ COWMAN 133 ]: 5186 single points, 514 sets of 10 (5140 points), or 48 sets of 100 points (4800 points) needed for level 80 Defence.
Note: Skill triggers are the same as with the !<skill> command. This command will only work with the skills for which Pest Control rewards experience.
This command's settings may be changed with !set pc.
The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133