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Runehead Clans
Look up a user's clan on Runehead
This page provides information about clan commands using the Runehead Database. For commands that use the Official RuneScape Clan Database, visit the help page for !clan and !ml. For Old School RuneScape (OSRS or 07RS) clan lookup, visit the help page for !07clan.
The !rhclan command looks up the provided username in the database and returns the clans they are currently a part of. The !rhml or !rhclaninfo command looks up the provided clan name in the database and returns information about the clan.
Other commands that use the Runehead Database include: !compareml and !clanrank.
!rhclan <RuneScape Name>
!rhml <clan name>
!rhclaninfo <clan name>
!rhml <clan name>
!rhclaninfo <clan name>
Example of use:
<Cruiser> !rhclan Zezima
-RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Zezima is in 267 clans. First 2 clans: 138Special, 2010s best Mage Bankers | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Zezima
-RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Zezima is in 267 clans. First 2 clans: 138Special, 2010s best Mage Bankers | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Zezima
<Cowman_133> !ml THE
-RuneScript- *** [ CLAN INFO ]: [The] THE Clan (http://theclanrs.com) | Members: 50 | Type: F2P & P2P | Time: America & Europe | Cape: Orange | Homeworld: 116 | [Averages] Cmb: 122.38/131.97; Str: 97.3; Cns: 98.04; Mage: 90.98; Range: 90.54; Overall: 1,961 | Last Updated: 12th Aug 2010 | URL: http://rly.cc/ml/theclan
-RuneScript- *** [ OTHER MATCHES ]: The Retired, THE Clan Range Unit, All The and TF ever list
-RuneScript- *** [ CLAN INFO ]: [The] THE Clan (http://theclanrs.com) | Members: 50 | Type: F2P & P2P | Time: America & Europe | Cape: Orange | Homeworld: 116 | [Averages] Cmb: 122.38/131.97; Str: 97.3; Cns: 98.04; Mage: 90.98; Range: 90.54; Overall: 1,961 | Last Updated: 12th Aug 2010 | URL: http://rly.cc/ml/theclan
-RuneScript- *** [ OTHER MATCHES ]: The Retired, THE Clan Range Unit, All The and TF ever list
The !rhclan command's settings may be changed with !set clan.
The !rhml command's settings may be changed with !set ml.
The Help Docs are maintained by Cowman_133